Meet the Team: Chris Kelly

20 February 2025
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Introducing Co-founder, Executive Trustee and Director of Species Conservation, Chris Kelly.

Wildlife ACT Co-founder, Executive Trustee and Director of Species Conservation, Chris Kelly

Whilst completing his practical training along Zululand’s coastline monitoring turtles and crocodiles within the Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park Heritage Site, Chris Kelly developed a keen interest in game capture and soon thereafter found himself managing and running a chemical and passive game capture for a private company. During this time, he noted the need and the importance of post-release monitoring efforts of the priority species we moved onto reserves.

This led Chris onto his next experience: working as a researcher and post-release monitor of Black Rhino in conjunction with the WWF-Black Rhino Range Expansion Project in Zululand. Enjoying the monitoring operations of his work, he decided to move into a permanent post at uMkhuze Game Reserve where he oversaw all monitoring operations.

After going on to work on a fair number of reserves across South Africa, Chris Kelly recognised the need for properly managed and funded monitoring programs on reserves which had priority species. Soon thereafter, the founders got together to form Wildlife ACT in Zululand.

Where to find me:

I am based in Underberg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and work widely across the province.

Why I do this:

It is very rewarding contributing towards saving our planet and life as we know it.

Why conserving our endangered wildlife species is important:

Endangered species are indicators that an ecosystem is in balance, so by saving them we help to save many other species and the safe spaces that they require, in turn, saving our planet.

My favourite thing about the place where I work/live:

Working in the coalface of conservation is extremely rewarding, and being able to spend time outdoors connecting with nature in our beautiful South Africa is unbeatable.

My favourite animal:

All of them.

Number one bush living survival hack:

Always have your binoculars handy.

A message from Chris Kelly to our supporters and followers: 

We all need a healthy planet so please be more mindful of how you are treating it, respect it and play your part to save it.

Meet more of the Wildlife ACT Team:

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