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July 9, 2020

Plastic Free July - 5 Simple Tips & Actions You Can Take Today!

Did you know that this month is Plastic Free July? This is a growing, global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, ecosystems and beautiful communities.

Cutting out single-use plastic from your lifestyle is not hard to do. It just takes some planning ahead. Here are 5 tips that you can start putting to use and doing today.

Plastic Free July Tips to Get Started

  1. Take a re-usable water bottle with you when you run or exercise. Or simply reuse an existing plastic bottle rather than throw it away. You could also up-cycle water bottles and turn them into plant containers that hold water well. You can do the same with tin cans by drilling a small hole in the bottom for drainage.
  1. Take a travel mug with you when you know you are going to get a takeaway coffee at some point in the day. These will also keep your coffee warmer for longer. Go a step further and ask your local cafes to start stocking and selling eco-friendly mugs and cups.
  1. Plastic straws are nasty business... When these get into the oceans, they can choke several marine species. Steel straws and bamboo straws are becoming more and more popular. Buy a few, keep one or two for yourself, and gift the others to friends. Customise your straw if you like and keep it on your person.
  1. Shopping bags and that thin, single-use plastic often used to weigh and package fruit and veg, is also a huge enemy of the environment, particularly our oceans. These can be mistaken by marine wildlife as jellyfish, and choke animals when ingested. Avoid throwing these away at all costs! Reusable shopping bags are widely available, as are smaller netted bags for picking up your fresh produce. At some supermarkets you can ask for a box rather than bags.
  1. Look online for eco-friendly products, ideas and inspiration, and watch the thousands of short videos online to give yourself a quick fix. There are TONS of resources on the web and plenty of websites that have joined the movement. You will likely find a few new favourite places to look.

#PlasticFreeJuly – Be Part of the Solution >>

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