Raising rhinos: Establishing a new population of Black Rhino

20 February 2025
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Dr Simon Morgan and Chris Kelly of the Wildlife ACT Fund assist Jacques Flamand, who heads up WWF's Black Rhino Range Expansion Project (BRREP), to relocate black rhino onto a new game reserve. They helped with the transmitter collars, release sites and training of the black rhino monitoring staff.As part of the Black Rhino Range Expansion Project, few black rhinos (Diceros bicornis) individuals were removed from an undisclosed reserve for re-allocation purposes. For the safety of the rhinos, we will not provide here the amount of individuals re-allocated as well as their final destination. Wildlife volunteers Peter and Doreen Ward had the privilege to assist in the airlifting of this critically endangered species.[caption id="attachment_1474" align="aligncenter" width="640"]

Black Rhino Range Expansion Project

Up, up and away![/caption]

Why do they airlift the black rhino?

The capture teams, vets and other professionals who have been moving these animals for decades have deemed this the most stress free, quick and efficient way to move rhinos short distances. It’s an amazing technique that minimises the time that the animal needs to be in transport and therefore reduces stress. While in the air, the rhino is still drugged and blindfolded.Thanks to all the Woolworths customers for buying the rhino bags and assisting with this mission! You can still buy a rhino bag and support the Black Rhino Range Expansion Project by clicking here.[caption id="attachment_1470" align="aligncenter" width="640"]

The helicopter arrives to pick up one of the black rhinos.

The helicopter arrives to pick up one of the black rhinos.[/caption][caption id="attachment_1472" align="aligncenter" width="640"]

A black rhino gets loaded into a transport truck - Black Rhino Range Expansion Project

A black rhino gets loaded into a transport truck.[/caption][caption id="attachment_1475" align="aligncenter" width="428"]

Chris Kelly of the Wildlife ACT Fund inserting a transmitter.

Chris Kelly of the Wildlife ACT Fund inserting a transmitter.[/caption][caption id="attachment_1478" align="aligncenter" width="428"]

A flying black rhino airlifted to a new home.

A flying black rhino airlifted to a new home.[/caption][caption id="attachment_1481" align="aligncenter" width="640"]

A darted black rhino darted and waiting to be released into its new home - Black Rhino Range Expansion Project

A darted black rhino darted and waiting to be released into its new home.[/caption][caption id="attachment_1485" align="aligncenter" width="622"]

Wildlife ACT volunteers

Wildlife ACT volunteers Peter and Doreen Ward[/caption]Thank you to the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife capture team, WWF and everyone else who assisted throughout the week.

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