Volunteering in Africa
June 4, 2015

Southern Ground Hornbills in iMfolozi

This southern Ground Hornbill is the dominant male of a co-operative breeding group of five. They are often seen by the wildlife volunteers in the vicinity of the iMfolozi volunteer camp. Southern Ground Hornbills are the largest hornbill species in the world and has been reported to live up to 70 years. They are on the endangered species list due to a serious decline in their numbers.The reasons for their decline are predominantly loss of habitat due to croplands, bush-encroachment, overgrazing and plantations, loss of nesting trees, secondary poisoning and electrocution.

Southern Ground Hornbills are an Endangered Species

Southern Ground Hornbills are an Endangered Species


Post by wildlife volunteers Alaistair Hill and Joshua IlburyPhotograph by wildlife volunteer Alaistair HillProject: Endangered Species Conservation, Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, Zululand, South Africa