Vulture Crisis = Human Crisis. Get Involved

20 February 2025
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Africa is experiencing a vulture crisis. The White-backed Vulture is one of eight African vulture species that is on the decline. Poisoning and traditional medicine pose a substantial threat to the survival of these ecologically essential birds. They’re essential as they dispose of dead animals that would otherwise be a breeding ground for diseases. A vulture is able to metabolize and eradicate dangerous pathogens, in doing so it is cleansing an environment. The disappearance of vultures means a rise in feral dog and rat numbers; these scavengers, being unable to process these pathogens, become carriers of diseases and are indirectly responsible for thousands of human deaths.

Vulture in Flight. Photo: Pippa Orpen 1

Caption: We were lucky enough to record and watch 3 White-backed vultures for a couple of minutes as they followed the African Wild Dogs which we were tracking at the time. Photo: Pippa OrpenThe extinction of our vultures (arguably nature's most important scavengers) would result in dire ecological, economic and human costs. If unchecked, diseases such as rabies, anthrax and the plague would run rampant. It is estimated that between 1993 and 2006 the decline of vultures in India has cost their economy US$34 billion, and caused nearly 50 000 human deaths. India has the highest rate of rabies infection in the world, and dog bites are the major contributing factor.

Vulture Crisis Pippa Orpen 2

Caption: A poisoned White-backed vulture we retrieved. It was 1 of 8 found that morning... Photo: Pippa OrpenThe decimation of vultures in India was inadvertently brought about by livestock carcasses containing an anti-inflammatory drug called Diclofenac. The drug given to sick cattle is fatal to vultures. Africa’s vulture crisis is darker. The current increase in elephant and rhino poaching has led to an increase in vulture mortality; poachers are poisoning carcasses in order to eliminate vultures and thus avoid detection. Vultures soaring overhead are great indicators of illegal activities.Poachers are also poisoning carcasses to fuel the demand for animal body parts used in traditional medicine & customs; lion bones, leopard skins & vulture parts to name a few. Traditional healers prescribe “Vulture” for improved intelligence and foresight; it is widely believed that vulture muti will provide clairvoyant powers. A game-changer for the traditional believers on Lotto day.[caption id="attachment_14744" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

Vulture Crisis Pippa Orpen 3

If you see a vulture with a tag and are interested in getting involved - record the number on the tag, your location, date & time and send us that data. Photo: Pippa Orpen[/caption][caption id="attachment_14745" align="alignright" width="400"]

Kids Camp. We have 13 education camps coming up this year. If you would like to get involved, please get in touch!

Kids Camp. We have 13 education camps coming up this year. If you would like to get involved, please get in touch![/caption]Poisoning also includes unintentional killing. Vultures will feed on poison-laced carcasses intended for livestock predators. Regardless of the reason, these endangered birds need our help, and fast.To help address these issues Wildlife ACT Fund has initiated Community Conservation projects around game reserves in Zululand to assist the community in understanding the importance of conservation areas and the need for protecting endangered species. Educating future generations is integral; since 2012 over 1630 children & 130 adults from 25 schools have participated in our 4-day bush-camps, and 10 220 adults have been reached in our community conservation awareness presentations.Wildlife ACT Fund has teamed up with Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife and Endangered Wildlife Trust to help conserve the KZN vulture population by forming the Zululand Vulture Project (ZVP). Since it’s inception the ZVP has fitted satellite tracking devices to 21 vultures which aid in monitoring their movements and understanding them as a species. This equipment allows us to monitor home ranges, flight patterns & problem areas.If you would like to help conserve our vultures there are many areas which need support. The easiest way is to spread the word/share this post/tell your friends about the severity of the vulture crisis.Get involved - Spread the word.

Text & Photos by Pippa Orpen

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