South African Wildlife
June 25, 2013

Wildlife ACT meets Kingsley Holgate in KZN

Wildlife ACT's Mkhuze conservation volunteers were out early one morning monitoring the Wild Dogs when a vehicle parked next to us. The person inside rolled down their window and asked us what we were up to. To my amazement... it was Kingsley Holgate. Kingsley and his crew had come to Mkhuze Game Reserve (South Africa) to photograph its rhinos. The photos will be used to educate the local children he would come across on his latest expedition. After sitting with us for a bit, he asked us where they had a good chance of finding some rhino.The following day, the volunteers and I met up with him in Mkuze town. It's was a real honor meeting Kingsley. He has given so much back to Africa as a humanitarian and as a wildlife conservationist.With organizations such as Wildlife ACT defending endangered species and people like Kingsley Holgate using his name to create awareness - then we can only move forward in conservation.http://www.kingsleyholgate.netWho is Kingsley Holgate?Kingsley Holgate is a South African explorer, humanitarian and author. A fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, he has been described by Getaway Magazine as "the most travelled man in Africa" and has modelled himself on David Livingstone. Holgate has founded the 'Kingsley Holgate Foundation' which aims to "save and improve lives through adventure" through "humanitarian expeditions that make a difference".Kingsley Holgate and Cole Du Plessis (Wildlife ACT)