South African retailer WOOLWORTHS has just launched a new WILD ABOUT cheetah bag. As part of their Good Business Journey, Woolworths is proud to support initiatives to conserve Africa’s endangered species. Through the sale of each cheetah bag, Woolworths donates R10 to Wildlife ACT Fundand The Endangered Wildlife Trust to support their cheetah conservation work.Click here to read more about the Bags4Good!

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Wild About Cheetah Bag[/caption]Southern Africa is the cheetah’s regional stronghold with an estimated population of 4,500 adults, constituting half of the world’s cheetah population. In South Africa, cheetahs have lost 90% of their historic range to human development and today only occur naturally in the Kruger National Park, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park and along South Africa’s northern borders with Zimbabwe and Botswana.Today, the cheetah population in South Africa is estimated to be less than 1,000, and this population is widely spread. This spread contributes to their increasing vulnerability because of the diversity of factors that threaten their survival:The human factorThe lack of suitable habitat: (increasing areas of once wild land being developed and direct persecution by humans)Snaring: snares are set for bushmeat and cheetahs are caught in them accidentallyTrade: cheetahs are often taken from the wild for captive keeping. Captive breeding and keeping of cheetahs is not required as a conservation action.

More info on CheetahClass: MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraFamily: FelidaeEst. Population: 7000 to 10000Status: VulnerableMore info:

The team at the WLA & Stakeholders• Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife• Private landowners in KZN, South Africa.• Global Supplies and Sirtrack radio tracking suppliers• Animal Trackem radio tracking suppliers.• Chris Kelly, Wildlife ACT Fund, Trustee• Dr. Simon Morgan, Wildlife ACT Fund, Trustee• Dr. Dave Druce, Ecologist Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife[caption id="attachment_8961" align="aligncenter" width="603"]

Photo: Zoë Luhdo[/caption]