The Zululand Rhino Reserve (ZRR)wildlife volunteers and monitors, have had an amazing and extraordinarily busy week.We started the week watching the ZRR nyalas being loaded for game sales.
Whilst checking on camera traps in the south of the reserve, we received a radio call regarding a female cheetah, which the guides suspected was pregnant.
On arrival we determined that the cheetah was a well known resident who was heavily pregnant. After watching her bunker down for the night, we set off home and found a small spotted genet on the way.[caption id="attachment_8078" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]
Pregnant cheetah - photograph by Andre, the Mavela Lodge Guide[/caption]The next two days were spent searching for the breeding herd of elephants. This was so that the vet could administer contraceptives. We were also able to watch as one of the male lions, Boetie, was darted and checked. Boetie had recently suffered injuries during a fight with his brothers and they needed to be assessed.[caption id="attachment_8079" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]
Boetie sedated - photograph by Isobel Wilson[/caption]On top of all of this we came across a cheetah on an ostrich kill. This provided us with the perfect opportunity to take the most amazing photographs for a new identity kit (photos that help us identify specific individuals).[caption id="attachment_8080" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]
Great ID shot showing the full side of the cheetah[/caption]All in all a busy, busy week for the Zululand Rhino Reserve team. Yet we still managed to paint the wall above our solar power system, make a chocolate cake for animal day, put up some new photographs to brighten up the house and build two garden swings. Ultimately making the Zululand Rhino Reserve in South Africa project very welcoming.
[caption id="attachment_8081" align="aligncenter" width="960"]
The Zululand Rhino Reserve Team celebrates World Animal Day[/caption][caption id="attachment_8074" align="aligncenter" width="581"]
Wildlife monitor Michelle trying out the new swing[/caption]
Post and photographs by monitor Zoë LuhdoConservation volunteers: Isobel Wilson, Samantha Lostrom, George Kelly, Chris du Toit and Grace Yeo