Meet the Team: Marumo Nene

20 February 2025
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Introducing Wildlife ACT Priority Species Monitor: Hluhluwe: Marumo Nene.

Marumo Nene Wildlife ACT Monitor

What I do at Wildlife ACT: 

I am a Senior Priority Species Monitor.

Where to find me:

I was working as part of a Game Count team in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Reserve (HiP) when I heard about the monitoring position in uMkhuze Game Reserve. That was in 2008, and I have since moved back to HiP as an Endangered and Priority Species Monitor.

Why I do this:

I have a deep love of nature and wildlife. Having grown up just outside the Park, they are like family to me.

Why conserving our endangered wildlife species is important:

"It is important to conserve our wildlife so that the future generation will see them" - Marumo Nene

My favourite thing about the place where I work/live:

The environment, the people, the terrain, and of course the animals.

My favourite animal:

The Cheetah.

My favourite bush memory:

When I saw my first African Wild Dog puppies in uMkhuze Game Reserve.

Number one bush living survival hack:

Give the animals the space and respect they deserve.

A message to our supporters and followers: 

Once you spend time with them, they is no way you can’t love wildlife. We hope you want to protect them as much as we do and be part of the Wildlife ACT family.

Marumo Nene Wildlife ACT Monitor

Images by Casey Pratt

Marumo Nene has been working with Wildlife ACT since its beginnings in 2008, and is an incredible asset to the Wildlife ACT Team.

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